Sunday, May 3, 2009

love sms 12

why do we close our eyes when we pray?
when we cry?
when we dream?
when we kiss?
coz,we know dat most beautiful things in life r not
seen but felt by heart........lailaBY.SHAIKH

What is LOVE?
L: Land of sorrow.
O: Ocean of tears.
V: Valley of death.
E: End of life.BY.SHAIKH

Love is a medicine for any kind of wound, but there is no medicine found in the world for a wound given by love.

Love is what? A feeling of "Heart"! Heart is what ? The source of "Life"! Life is what ? A building of "Hopes" ! Hopes are what ? A way to live with Pease and love .!!

If i were ur tear i would love to born in ur eye and die on ur lipz... but if u were mine i would never cry from the fear of losing u.

To love is nothing. to be loved is something. To love and be loved is everything.

When you look with loving eyes, all the world looks lovely.

Unspoken love is like a poison, if kept in heart for too long it will consume you from inside.

Love is not blind - It sees more and not less, but because it sees more it is willing to see less.

Love is a fire. But whether it is going to warm your heart or burn down your house,
you can never tell."

Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence."

"Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead."
"A man falls in love through his eyes, a woman through her ears."
Don't find love, let love find you. That's why it's
called falling in love, because you don't force
yourself to fall, you just fall.
Lucky is the man who is the first love of a woman,
but luckier is the woman who is the last love of a man.
It takes a minute to have a crush on someone,
an hour to like someone, and an day to love someone...
but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.
It breaks your heart to see the one you love is happy with someone else, but it's more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you.
If love is the answer,
can you please repeat the question?
Love makes life so confusing, but without love
would you really want to live?
Do you love me because I am beautiful
or am I beautiful because I am loved?
Love me now, love me never,
but if you love me, love me forever.
To the world you may be just one person,
but to one person you may be the world.BY.SHAIKH

she can tread even untrodden ways,half hidden from both eyes.She wanders lonely as a cloud from heaven with all the blessings of god,upon you wherever you go...................................................she is my love only for you.BY.SHAIKH

Some time life get so so soooo bzy cudn,t even 2 say Hi cudn,t even 2 call hello but it doesn,t mean u r 4goten bcoz u r always b in my heart

Love is like war ... Easy to start ... Difficult to end ... Impossible to forget... What I feel for you,is really true. You got to know,I need
• Receive my simple gift of "LOVE" Wraped with "SINCERITY" Tied with "CARE" & Sealed with "DUA" 2
Every tear is a sign of brokenness, every silence is a sign of loneliness, every smile is a sign of kindness,
every SMS is a sign of rememberance.--
Time would make us forget some person, but there would be some person who would make us to forget time......
There was a blind girl.she hated everyone except her boyfriend .she said \"i shall marry u when i could c\" eventually someone donated eyes when she could c,she she was shocked to c that her boyfriend is also blind.The boy asked \"will u marry me now\"she refused.The boy went away saying\"just take care of my eyes dear\".
jam arif BY.SHAIKH
The virtue of true love is not finding the perfect person but loving the imperfect person perfectly,
Love does not have an happy ending becouse it simply does not end.
a wish fairy came to me and asked my wish,i told her my wish.she became said and\"i can't give u a fairy". u know wat was my wish it was\"U"
Ohh My moon Come back and make my life bright like before …
I Know there is 1000 who are looking for you but trust me I
Love you more then any one .so please come please come back
My Moon my life.BY.SHAIKH

U wana knw y i cnt slyp at nyt? Its bec my HEART tels me hw much I LOVE U, then my MIND says i want to see U, my SOUL wud whisper U r my lyf, hir goes my HAND teling me to txt U. Such a crazy nyt.Nw U knw y i hav dis slypless nyts.
HAPPINESS is the delicate balance of what one is and what one has. It is the inner joy that can be sought or caught, but never taught or bought.BY.SHAIKH

G-get up
O-open ur eyes
O-out of ur bed
D-day has risen
M-merry life
O-old dreams cum true
N-new frnds
I-ideas of life
N-nice future

Friendship is not collection of hearts but it is selection of hearts. All friends r not true. But true friends r very few! Like you.

YOU look
Sweet when
You read
my SMS,
You read
n Smile...
But You
You read,
Smile n
Reply.. )so try
2 look

Are we friends or
Are we not?..
You told me once,
but i forgot..
so tell me 'now'
and tell me 'true'..
so i can say,
i am here for you..
of all the friends,
i have ever met
"u' are the one i
will never forget..
and if i die
before u do..
i will go to heaven
and wait for u..BY.SHAIKH

Love is not sumthg that is born in the morning, shines in the noon and dies at night.
It borns when its not needed and dies wen you need it the most!!

"SpeciaL friends" R reaLLy reaLLy hArd 2 fiNd.. SpeciaLy tHosE wHo r "CuTe" & "pure in heart", So mY aDviSE 4 U is. Never let me go..BY.SHAIKH

is only
Today"s moment becomes
Good or Bad
the gift of Life

My teacher taught me that …
1 Hour =60 min and
1min= 60 sec but
She never told me that,
1 sec without ‘YOU’ is
equal to 100 years.BY.SHAIKH

Love bears all things,
Love believes all things,
Love hopes all things,
And most precious of all,
Love endures all things,
Come we love and make things happyBY.SHAIKH.

The twittering birds,
The flowering buds,
The cool bays the shinning rays,
Your exquisite smile, your glamorous style,
Are the things which are all yours but not mine,
For me my only absence is that I need ur presence.BY.SHAIKH

There is darkness everywhere I go,
Despite the sun shining bright,
Everything seems cheerless,
Despite the colorful flowers every single sight,
I have almost everything,
Yet I have nothing to live by,
Love, this is how I feel,
When U r not by my side.BY.SHAIKH

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